One thing is for sure, if you want to reach your goals, you’ll have to go against the grain. Statistics show that 90% of people give up on their goals and New Year’s resolutions by February. But don’t let that discourage you, because if you’re reading this you can beat the odds.
Even if you’ve gotten discouraged, distracted or demotivated, today we’re picking up those goals, dusting them off and setting our eyes on the finish line.
Here are some tips to help you stick with, and ultimately, reach your goals this year.

Reach Your Goals with these 5 Key Tips
1. Make plans but hold them loosely
This might sound counter-intuitive, but I promise you it isn’t. One of the biggest reasons we give up on our goals is because we get discouraged when things don’t go as planned. We believe that “life” somehow got in the way and threw us off track, but the Bible reminds us that God is in control.
A man’s heart plans his way,
Proverbs 16:9 NKJV
But the Lord directs his steps.
While we might have a good idea of what we want to accomplish this year, God’s plans are always best. So, be willing to accept (even embrace) the detours that come and see them as God’s way of training and grooming you for bigger and better things.
If your goal is worth having, it’s also worth pursuing, so don’t give up too quickly. Pray through any ‘distractions’ that come up and keep moving forward unless God says otherwise.
90% of people give up on their goals by February, but you don't have to be one of them. Share on X2. Choose a Word for the Year
In addition to goals, I also choose a word for the year. This one word becomes my theme for the year and gives me a framework on which to hang my goals. For example, if my word for the year is “seek” I think of how that word “seek” can influence the various areas of my life. In what ways do I want to “seek” in my marriage, career, social life and so on?
My word for the year helps me focus on not just things I want to do, but more on the person I want to become and that’s a great way to focus on lasting change. Why not try and see how having a word for the year can help you achieve your goals?
3. Keep it balanced
As I alluded to in the previous point, my goals are not limited to one area of my life. You are more than just your job. You are more than a mom. You are more than a number on the scale. Your goals should reflect the complete person you are, so seek to balance your goals rather than focusing on just one area of your life. If you pour all your time and enjoy into just one or two areas, you’ll find that other areas start to suffer.
Take a quick look at how you’re doing in the core life areas using my free THRIVE assessment. Then use the insights from the THRIVE assessment to set goals for your core life areas. You can choose your own core life areas or use my list:
- Spiritual
- Family
- Emotional
- Personal Growth
- Physical
- Career
- Social
- Financial

4. Write your goals
Once you have an idea of what you want your goals to be, it’s time to get those goals out of your head, because written goals are more likely to be accomplished. When we write our goals, we commit to them and increase the chances of achieving them.
You can type your goals but handwritten goals are even better as our brains start to connect with our head and hands, making the connection even stronger. Guess what I’ll be doing? Writing my goals down!
SMART Goal Setting
For a simple and effective way to set goals, grab my SMART Goal Setting Guide inside the Thrive Resource Library here. It’s free!

5. Tell someone
In addition to writing them down your goals, another great way to reach your goals is to tell someone else. Whether it’s because we want to keep our word, or would rather avoid the embarrassment of failure, sharing our goals with someone else is a great motivator.
Of course, you’ll want to share your goals with someone you trust, someone I call a dream defender who will encourage you along the way.
In the next post, I’ll share more detailed tips about getting the support you need to reach your goals, particularly when life gets in the way.
It’s tempting to let our goals slip when life gets complicated, but you’ll soon find that keeping your goals front and center isn’t as hard as it sounds.
Continue reading here: 7 Ways to Focus on Goals When Life Gets in the Way.
Now, it’s your turn
In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below to let me know which of these tips you found most helpful or if you’d like to share a tip of your own.
And I would be honored to help you choose your next best step. Let’s get on a free clarity call to get started.

Such practical suggestions!
Love these!
Glad you think so, Melanie. Thanks for stopping by and getting the conversation started. 🙂