What does true freedom mean to you? The word freedom means so many things to different people, that trying to figure what true freedom means can be tricky.
These days, there’s a lot of talk about freedom of speech, freedom of expression and of course, the freedom to choose. But neither of those on their own express what true freedom is.
True freedom is the kind that cannot be taken away from you. It does not change with a change of government. It is not subject to the whim and fancy of persons in power.
It is not here today and gone tomorrow.
It is the freedom we have regardless of where we live, our economic status or our cultural upbringing.
It is lasting, unchanging, and dependable.
How do we attain true freedom?
True freedom comes only through Christ. Any other freedom is temporary.

In just a few days, my territory will observe the 188th anniversary of the abolition of slavery. As amazing as that is, and as much as it gives us reason to celebrate, that freedom can be taken away at any time.
On the other hand, once you experience freedom in Christ, you are free indeed.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” – John 8:36
If you want to experience true freedom, consider the three truths.
3 Truths About True Freedom
1) It is complete
When Jesus died on the Cross, He finished the work God called Him to do. When he uttered the words, “it is finished” (John 19:30), there was nothing more to be done.
That is why when you experience freedom through Christ, it is a complete freedom—both in terms of having everything you need and to the greatest extent possible.
When you choose to accept Jesus as your savior and surrender to Him completely, the noose of sin that once squeezed tightly around your neck is no more. Sin no longer has control over you, no matter what Satan tries to tell you.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. – Galatians 5:1
Complete freedom spills over to every area of your life—there is no area that is left untouched. I have seen it in my own life. When I chose to follow Christ 27 years ago, it was the best decision I ever made and it has informed how I live, work, interact with others, love, parent, befriend, everything!
Your search is over. The freedom that comes through Christ is complete.
Your search is over. True freedom comes through Christ! Share on X2) True Freedom comes with a promise
As you look around, you will see others who live carefree, seemingly without consequence. They have the appearance of freedom, but it is only a mirage. Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that “because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold”.
In a world where wrong seems right, you might be tempted to trade your freedom for a fantasy. But hold on to the promise Jesus offers in the latter part of this verse:
“…but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:13
Don't trade your freedom for a fantasy. Hold to the promises of Jesus. Share on XJesus promises to stay by your side (Matthew 28:20) as you walk in freedom with Him. The ‘freedom’ that the world offers has no guarantees, but freedom in Christ leads to eternal life.

For encouragement to walk faithfully with God, read: 25 Bible Verses about God’s Faithfulness that will Inspire Your Faith.
3) It is a choice
Unlike the freedom from slavery that was granted to my forefathers, Christ offers a freedom that can never be taken away. No political change, economic downturn, or change in circumstances can put you back into spiritual slavery.
In the 188 years since slavery ended, I have never heard of anyone coming forward asking to be shackled and tied. We value our freedom too much and never want to lose it.
In the same way, when you experience freedom in Christ, you’ll never want to turn back. But just to be clear, true freedom is voluntary. Jesus will not hold you against your will–that would go against the very rules of freedom. But as long as you are willing to be free, freedom is yours for the taking. When you remain in Christ, He will remain in you (John 15:4). Sin will no longer be your master.
Now, that’s true freedom!
Going Deeper
As we wrap up…
What does the Bible say about true freedom?
Start with the Scriptures shared above and explore this topic on your own. Carve out time to spend with God and allow Him to speak to your heart. I’d love to hear what God teaches you about freedom in Christ.
How about you?
If you want to experience true freedom, look no further. Choose the freedom that comes through Christ, which comes with a promise and is complete.
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