My quiet time with God is probably my favorite activity each day.
That’s not surprising when you learn that I’m an introvert by nature. Without a doubt, alone time is precious to me. But I’m not talking about ‘me time’ where I just get to spend time alone with my thoughts.
A quiet time with God is my devotional time where I get to listen to God and talk with Him. It’s a special time between God and me. And it feels even more special knowing that Jesus also took time away to be with God.
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
Mark 1:35 NIV

At the very basic level, my quiet time will include reading the Bible and praying. I might read a passage of Scripture in my Bible, or follow a reading plan on one of my favorite devotional apps.
Sometimes, my quiet time also involves listening to worship music and journaling. I find that writing out the Scriptures are a great way to hide God’s word in my heart and prepare me for the rest of the day.
While I prefer to have my quiet time early in the morning that doesn’t always happen.
The truth is, when it comes to having a quiet time with God, many of us have good intentions. But somehow our good intentions often get drowned out by life.
Busy schedules. Sick children. Social media distractions. Stuff.
It’s no wonder I’ve spent years (literally) on a Bible reading plan that was meant to be one year. Yes, you read that right. What was supposed to be a 12-month read through the Bible turned into a saga of sorts.
It’s not that I’ve regretted my prolonged look at the Word, because in fact, part of the reason it took so long was a desire to dig deeper and go slower. But if I’m being completely honest and open, I’ll tell you that a lot of it was just plain old good intentions gone bad.
I had good intentions to wake up before the kids. But I chose my warm bed instead.
I had good intentions to spend the few quiet minutes reading the Bible. But I answered social media’s call instead.
I had good intentions to focus on the Bible passage before me. But I got called away by the worries of my day.
Can you relate, my friend?
If we’re not careful, spending time with God can be just another item on our to-do lists that gets shuffled from one day to the next.
So, what’s a girl to do?
In spite of our good intentions, spending time with God can get drowned out by life. Here's how to avoid that. Share on X
Quiet Time Tips for the Busy Woman
I have some ideas to get you back on track that will help you make good on your good intentions in spite of your busy schedule. I’m sharing these thoughts over on my friend Susan Nelson’s website Woman of Noble Character (what a beautiful name!).
First, we’ll start by looking at the mindset behind spending time with God. Then I’ll share my own tips for having a quiet time with God, even with a busy schedule.
Follow me over to Woman of Noble Character to read: 3 Tips for Spending for Spending Time with God (when life is super busy)
How about you?
Do you make room in your schedule for a quiet time with God? Do you have some creative tips to share to help others carve out that time? Leave a comment below and let us know.
Thanks, Marva, and God bless you!
Thank you, Amele. Same to you!
Headed over to read it now. I can always use fresh ideas for quiet time with God.
Thanks, Kristi! I’m happy to share. 🙂
I love this, spending time with God is so incredibly important to our Christian walk but sometimes we neglect it. I know I have. The best time for me is during my lunch hour. It’s easier in the spring to go to a park sit in my car and read the Bible and pray or get out and feel the air on my face. I also like the evenings before my husband comes home
So important. Great post!
I love those ideas, Teri. And it’s another reminder that there’s no set time or place to get time with God. It’s best to find the time that works for you.
Thanks for stopping by.
I’m trying to be more intentional in my quiet time with God. Prayer walks help me get away from everything else, enjoy nature, and focus on time with him alone.
I love prayer walks, Sarah. You would think I’d do them more often living on a tropical island. Thanks for reminding me to get out in nature with God.
I can definitely relate to all the above…lol You really have to make up your mind to arrange your schedule around Him. I began by setting my alarm to meet with Him every morning for an hour or two and prepare a place where I would meet Him. I know He’s always there waiting for me to come…Prayer, reading of the Word (my devotional plans. Then, I listen for what He had to say, with my Journal open to document what I hear. I choose this time, because I don’t want to face the outside world before I face Him. If I don’t, the demands of my day won’t allow me to get back in His Presence. My day flows so much better when I command my morning. Thanks for allowing me to share. God Bless you all! 💜
Thanks for sharing that, Anna. I think you’re right, if we don’t command our day, the demands will overtake us. I’m so glad we can always find God ready and willing to meet us. What a gift!
Wishing you blessings!