A personal retreat is a powerful way of creating a fresh start, reconnecting with your why, or simply renewing your mind. It doesn’t need to be complicated, in fact, below are some simple tips for how to make time for your very own personal retreat.
Start by rethinking your idea of a personal retreat and keep it simple. Your personal retreat may be as short (a couple hours) or as long (a weekend) as you can manage.
A personal retreat is intentional time away from your daily routine in order to spend time in God’s presence.
A personal retreat rejuvenates your spirit. It’s a way of refilling your reserves, enabling you to meet your own needs and the needs of those who depend on you.
Just you and God.
Your life pattern will help you determine when you need a personal retreat. Rather than wait until stress builds up, decide to have a personal retreat once a quarter. If you keep it simple and vary the length of each retreat time, this will make it more manageable.

Choose a place where you can get away from distractions. Ideally this should be away from home. Once there, be sure to log off of social media, turn off notifications, and limit distractions as much as possible. Consider quiet places such as a park, beach, or coffee shop. If getting out is not possible, then consider having a mini-retreat in a quiet spot in your home.
Making time for a personal retreat is not easy but it’s oh so necessary. Once you decide to make it a priority you might be surprised to find that the time appears. Here are some ideas for how you can carve out a few hours.
- Wake up an hour earlier
- Stay up an hour later
- Swap babysitting with a friend
- Swap responsibilities with your husband
- Request personal time from work
- Drop one activity from your to-do list
What to do while on retreat:
Still feeling stumped? Not sure what to do now that you’ve finally made the time for your personal retreat? Here are a few ideas to get you started.
- Pray
- Read your Bible
- Have a prayer walk
- Write a poem to God
- Journal
- Watch a sunset
- Watch a sunrise
- Sing worship music
Want more?
Get a free copy of my Personal Retreat Guide including my 6 tips for creating your own retreat when you become a Thrive Insider. You’ll get access to this 13-page mini-ebook, plus lots of other free resources to help you thrive in life. It’s all there in the Resource Library (check your email for the password to enter).

Let’s chat
I’d love to hear how you’re making time for you. Did these tips help? If so, how?
And remember, you don’t have to go it alone. If you’re feeling stuck, in need of a fresh start or just some motivation to keep going, book a free clarity call and let’s chat.