On the road to success it’s tempting to keep your eyes on the prize and nose to the grind. Perhaps it has something to do with the concept of ‘an object in motion’. Maybe we fear that if we pause for too long, we’ll lose momentum. Or worse, give up all together.
Not too long ago I might have been the one advising you to ‘keep moving’ and ‘stay in the game’. And yes, I do believe there’s a place for forward motion, but there’s also room for pausing and reflecting.
The truth is if you’re full speed ahead on the road to burnout, you’ll be no use to anyone else, let alone yourself. So, let’s pause for a moment and consider these five checkpoints you need to make on the road to success.
Follow these tips and you’ll SHINE on your way to success.

Checkpoint #1 on the road to success
S – Spirituality
This is where you focus on your spiritual well-being as opposed to physical and material things. For me this centers around my Christian beliefs and my desire to seek God above everything else. But in general terms this is about your personal beliefs and value systems.
This checkpoint is important because our beliefs shape our values, which shape our actions, so we can think of this as our north star. Skip this checkpoint and you risk driving aimlessly without any clear direction.
It’s no mistake that this is the first checkpoint because it is also the most important.

H – Health
If you’ve ever taken a trip and gotten sick along the way, you know it’s no fun. Your health has the potential to make your journey fun and enjoyable or worrisome and downright awful.
Women are especially prone to taking care of everyone else before stopping to take care of themselves, but this is a sure way to slow yourself down, or worse, crash and burn. Don’t wait until illness stops you in your tracks. Heed the warning signs, pay attention to your body and practice regular maintenance.
If you have a concern, don’t let it go too far but instead schedule a visit with your health care provider or mental health professional. It’s impractical for you to help, serve or take care of others if you’re not taking care of you.
Focus on healthy eating habits, proper hydration (especially in the hot summer months) and good old regular exercise. And don’t forget to rest. Rest is as much a part of a healthy lifestyle as what you put into your body, so make sure you get your z’s.
Determine to make your physical and mental wellbeing top priority in order to avoid burnout on the road to success.
I – Individuality
This is the checkpoint many skip over. Do you remember who you were before you became Mrs. Smith, Tommy’s mommy or the church’s worship leader? You have an identity beyond all the labels that you’ve become known for. Spend some time reflecting on what you like to do and what brings you joy. Carving out time for a favourite hobby for example, is a great way to refresh you when you get weary.
Make time for the things that fill you up by incorporating them into your schedule and routine.

N – Nuclear relationships
Journeying alone can be lots of fun but when there’s never anyone there to enjoy it with or to spur you on, it can be quite lonely. While a network of business associates is key to moving ahead career-wise, your network of supporters and loved ones will keep you encouraged and motivated. So, on your road to success be sure to make time for those you love. During the tough times you’ll be glad you did. Even during the good times too.
By the way, this is not a one-sided thing. We are meant to be in community with others and when you spend time giving to, serving and encouraging your loved ones, they feel loved and you feel rejuvenated. Nurturing these key relationships is a win-win for everyone.
E – Environment
Now, this is a big one. You can cover all the other checkpoints but if you don’t navigate this one well you’ll be in for a rough ride. This is where you pay attention to what you allow into your space. Do you surround yourself with positive influences (people and things) or are you being dragged down by negativity?
At this checkpoint you’ll have to make some decisions about what you’ll carry with you for the rest of the journey. Deciding what to leave behind is just as important as what to take along, so choose wisely.
It is possible to pursue success and SHINE along the way. Take these tips and make them your own by writing down a few ideas for each of the five areas that you can incorporate into your routine.
If you’re intentional in creating a balanced lifestyle not only will you keep burnout at bay, but you will also find the road to success so much more enjoyable.
I know you can do this, so let’s cheer each other on.
Here’s to your success!
Now, it’s your turn…
Which of these checkpoints resonate with you and which ones (if any) have you been skipping over? Do you have some checkpoints of your own?
Let’s continue the conversation in the comments below.

Thank you for the reminder of Individuality!! I am married to a youth pastor, and sometimes I get swallowed up by being a pastors wife and not allowing myself to have my own identity!
And I love that the checkpoints spell out SHINE!!
Thanks for sharing.
I’m glad it encouraged you, Katie. It’s so easy to get lose ourselves under all the hats we wear. I hope this helps you to SHINE! 🙂
Since our Ready-Set-Thrive challenge I’m more conscious of my beliefs and values. It was an enormous help to get me back on track and to write down all the things that are important to me. And that I want to express with my small business, too.
What I also realized was how important our individuality is. What makes us ‘US’. What makes us happy. Life’s not just business tasks and household chores. You’re here to enjoy it and live it to its fullest.
So what I’m working on currently is to let my beliefs and values guide me along the way. And to spend more time doing things for just the pure sheer joy of doing it.
Such great advice!
I’m so glad you found it helpful, Janelle. What a pleasure to see you here.